
Terms are listed in alphabetical order. Click to expand.
Financial Community

A financial community is a not-for-profit credit union, with a social purpose of growing local businesses and neighborhoods – and a long-term aim of bringing about a threefold society.

Our financial community circulates our own money and helps finance local enterprises and needed projects.

Right of Exchange

When a client exchanges US dollars (USD) for threefold dollars (US3), that person automatically possesses the right to exchange from US3 back again to USD.

However, this right to exchange can be sold to the financial community for a 1% premium, paid to the client in US dollars. Upon paying this premium, the financial community now possesses the right to exchange this amount of US3 back to USD, and the client no longer has this right.

Later, another client may purchase this right to exchange US3 to USD from the financial community. The fee to acquire the right to exchange is again 1% – this time paid by the client to the financial community.

Example 1: Kate goes to the financial community and exchanges $100 USD for ß100 US3. She decides to sell the right to exchange for a 1% premium, or $1 USD. This amount is paid to her by the financial community. Later, if Kate – or anyone else – wishes to exchange ß100 US3 back for $100 USD, they would first have to pay a fee of 1% – or $1 USD – to the financial community in order to acquire the right to exchange.

Example 2: Charlie goes to the financial community and exchanges $100 USD for ß100 US3. Because Charlie is a member, he decides to retain the right to exchange. This means he does not receive any premium, but also does not have to pay a fee to exchange ß100 US3 back to $100 USD at any time in the future.

Threefold Society
A threefold society is a social idea first proposed by Rudolf Steiner during and after World War I. The basic idea is to separate our current unitary society into three independent and autonomous members: economic, state (government), and culture.

For more, visit our Social Purpose page.

Wikipedia: Social Threefolding

Video: What is Social Threefolding and Why Do We Need It Now?

Video: The Dawn of Social Threefolding